
Representation in FBD

General Information

The TB_MasterEncoder function module generates a master position and velocity in user units from a Motion Control axis (AXIS_REF) generated by the TB_MasterEngine or TB_PhysicalEncoder function module. The module is used to generate the master position for the respective "technology" axis (from the TechLib library) from a master axis. This position is used as a master value for the SyncLin und SyncRot technology modules, for example.

When x_Enable = TRUE, the module is activated. Successful activation is signaled with TRUE at the x_Active output. From this point, the positional changes (in user units/Ts) of the connected axis are detected, output (di_MasterVel) and added to the connected position variable (di_MasterPos). The position should be set once by the user. If TB_MasterEncoder is used in conjunction with a technology module (e.g. SyncLin or SyncRot), the position of the technology module is manipulated. See the description of the technology modules for this purpose.

Recommended task: EVENT
Libraries used: MOTION_MULTI_AXIS_xxbd00 or greater
MOTION_TYPES_xxbd07 or greater
Additional data type definitions: ...
Use of Static-Variables: ...

InOut Parameter


Input Parameter

Marking: Data type: Default: Data range: Description:
x_Enable BOOL ... ... TRUE: Enabling of the module. The position is changed based on the velocity of the connected axis. Setting of the position does not occur, however.
di_MasterPos DINT ... ... Position of the master in user units.
_Master AXIS_REF ... ... A (global) variable of data type AXIS_REF must be connected to _Master. It contains the information of the master axis.

Output Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
x_Active BOOL TRUE: Module active; positional changes of master axis cause positional changes at di_MasterPos.
di_MasterVel DINT Output of the current master velocity in user units/Ts. Ts is the configured cycle time of the setpoint event task.
di_MasterPos DINT Position of the master axis in user units.
_Master AXIS_REF Mechanical position of the axis in user units for the encoder position d_EncPos in increments.