
Representation in FBD

General Information

TB_ShiftReg makes available a shift register with which product tracking can be implemented. Four DINT variables can be shifted. The shift register can contain up to 256 slots.

When x_Enable = TRUE, the module is activated. All data is deleted here (set to 0). Successful activation is signaled with TRUE at the x_Active output. From this point, data records can be saved and read. A data record consists of one to four data words.

Saving data:
The data record active at di_InVal0..3 is saved with the positive edge at input x_Put at position us_Position. If the data record was accepted, this is reported with TRUE at the x_PutDone output for one cycle.

Reading data:
With a positive edge at input x_Get, the data record at position us_Position is output at di_OutVal0..3. Successful output is indicated with TRUE at the x_GetDone output for one cycle.

Deleting FIFO:
With a positive edge at the x_Clock input, all data records are shifted to the next position.

Acknowledging errors:
When the enable is cancelled (x_Enable = FALSE), the shift register is deleted and all saved data records are deleted.

Recommended task: Event / Cyclic
Libraries used: -

InOut Parameter


Input Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
x_Enable BOOL TRUE: Enabling of the module and deleting of the shift register. Successful enabling is indicated at x_Active.
x_Get BOOL With the positive edge, the data record at position us_Position is output at di_OutVal0..3. Successful output is indicated at x_PutDone.
x_Put BOOL With the positive edge, the data record at di_InVal0..3 is accepted at the us_Position position. Successful acceptance is indicated at x_PutDone.
di_InVal0 DINT First data word of the data record entered in the FIFO.
di_InVal1 DINT Second data word of the data record entered in the FIFO.
di_InVal2 DINT Third data word of the data record entered in the FIFO.
di_InVal3 DINT Fourth data word of the data record entered in the FIFO.
us_Position USINT Writing/reading position.
x_Clock BOOL With a positive edge, all slots are shifted by one position.

Output Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
x_Active BOOL TRUE: Module active. Data records can be written and read.
x_GetDone BOOL TRUE: Indicates that the data output at di_OutVal0..3 is valid for one cycle.
x_PutDone BOOL TRUE: Indicates that the data active at di_InVal0..3 is accepted for one cycle.
di_OutVal0 DINT First data word of the data record read out of the shift register.
di_OutVal1 DINT Second data word of the data record read out of the shift register.
di_OutVal2 DINT Third data word of the data record read out of the shift register.
di_OutVal3 DINT Fourth data word of the data record read out of the shift register.