
Representation in FBD

General Information

Distances and/or lengths can be measured with this module. This requires a touch probe function in the controller used. The touch probe function saves the current encoder position with a digital signal. Saving can occur with the positive and/or negative edge of the signal.

The module calculates the distance and length from the measured position. Windows can be specified in which a valid measurement is awaited so that interfering edges can be hidden.

Note:Before the module can be executed, all relevant parameters must be initialized with the TB_TPmeasure_Init technology block. Allowed drives are bmaXX 4400 and 5000.

Recommended task: Event
Libraries used: ARITHMETIC_xxbd00 or higher
TECH_TYPES_xxbd05 or higher

General description

InOut Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
_PMdata PM_Type Data from the TB_TPmeasure_Init initialization module.

Input Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
x_Enable BOOL When the input x_Enable = TRUE, the module is initialized. If the initialization was successful, the module is enabled. This is indicated when output x_Active = TRUE.
After enabling, the first edge/mark is sought.
When x_Enable = FALSE, x_1stEdge and x_Active are reset.
x_Ack BOOL Acceptance acknowledgment of the measured data. When x_Ack = TRUE, then x_Valid = FALSE and the measured distance (and length) is set to -1.
x_Counterclockwise BOOL Before enabling the FB with x_Enable, it must be set with this input, in which direction the measurement of lenght will be done.
With direction is meant, if the connected encoder on d_EncPos, counting positive in clockwise direction, or is running in counterclockwise direction.
TRUE: Counterclockwise
FALSE: Clockwise
If changing this variable in continous process, the FB needs on LH edge on x_Enable for reinit all values.
di_DefDist DINT Specification value of the expected edge distance of the LH edges (or the HL edges) in user units (e.g. printing mark spacing).
di_DefSize DINT Specification value of expected edge length of LH to HL edge (or HL to LH edge) in user units (e.g. printing mark length).
di_WinDist DINT Permissible deviation (window width) of the edge distance of the LH edges (or the HL edges) in user units. Distances with di_DefDist ± di_WinDist are accepted.
If nothing is connected, the interfering mark detection is deactivated and all found edges are detected.
di_WinSize DINT Permissible deviation (window width) of the edge distance of LH to HL edge or HL to LH edge in user units. Widths with di_DefSize ± di_WinSize are accepted.
If nothing is connected, the interfering mark detection is deactivated and all found edges are detected.
ud_Units UDINT Number of user units for the corresponding encoder revolutions (u_Revolution).
u_Revolution UINT Number of encoder revolutions for the corresponding user units (ud_Units).
d_EncPos DWORD Encoder actual value of touch probe encoder. Format is 32-bit angle.
d_TP_PosLH DWORD Measured position of LH edge. Format: 16-bit revolution, 16-bit angle.
d_TP_PosHL DWORD Measured position of HL edge. Format: 16-bit revolution, 16-bit angle.

Output Parameter

Marking: Data type: Description:
x_Active BOOL TRUE: Module is active; initialization occurred without incident.
x_1stEdge BOOL First valid edge detected. x_1stEdge remains TRUE until x_Enable = FALSE.
x_Valid BOOL TRUE: Valid values at di_ActDist (and di_ActSize). Reset with x_Ack = TRUE.
di_ActDist DINT Depending on mode and measurement: Measured OR last valid OR maximum distance of LH edges or HL edges in user units.
di_ActSize DINT Depending on mode and measurement: Measured OR last valid OR minimum length of the LH to HL edge (or the HL to LH edge) in user units.
x_TP_Err BOOL TRUE: Faulty measurement, i.e. no edge found within window. Remains TRUE until valid measurement occurs or x_Enable = FALSE.
u_TP_ErrCnt UINT Number of faulty measurements in succession. Reset upon the first valid measurement.
x_Error BOOL TRUE: Error detected. See error table.
i_Error INT Error number. See error table.
s_ErrTxt STRING Error text. See error table.
i_Error Description:
0 No error active.
-10 Reservated.
-20 No sensor signal detected. Error is set if two default distances (di_DefDist) have already been traversed, but no mark has yet been detected.
-999 No technology license. Use PLC with technology license.
x_1stEdge x_Valid x_TP_Err Comments
FALSE FALSE FALSE After enable (x_Enable = TRUE).
TRUE FALSE FALSE First mark/length detected.
TRUE TRUE FALSE Valid measurement.
TRUE TRUE-> FALSE FALSE Acknowledgement (x_Ack = TRUE).
TRUE TRUE TRUE Faulty measurement -> last measured value or default value.
TRUE TRUE-> FALSE TRUE Acknowledgement (x_Ack = TRUE).
TRUE FALSE TRUE False LH to HL distance (length) in window. Output minimum length.
TRUE FALSE TRUE-> FALSE Acknowledgement (x_Ack = TRUE).