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At Baumueller-Nuermont Corp we take our health, safety, and environmental responsibilities very seriously. We ensure that our employees are fully trained and competent in their field of expertise.

Along with over 25 years of successful customer service, Baumueller-Nuermont Corp. is a proud member of:

VDMA – Verband deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. (“association of German machine and system construction”)

About 3000 mainly medium-sized companies are united in VDMA – Verband deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. (“association of German machine and system construction”).
Baumüller’s employees share their experiences in the central work group for personnel, the work group for control engineering and the central committee for purchasing + materials administration. Baumüller is also represented in the state-level experience exchange groups for young entrepreneurs, controlling / business administration, purchasing / materials administration, personnel management and production / fabrication.

German America Chamber of Commerce

The GACC South is a private, non-profit organization and serves as the official representative of German industry and trade in the Southern U.S. It is part of an international network composed of 130 German foreign chambers of commerce and government offices in 90 countries. The GACCs are one of the largest bi-national chambers in the U.S.

Gwinnet Chamber of Commerce

An independent, non-profit, member-funded business advocacy organization Representing over 2,000 member companies employing more than 750,000 workers across the Metro Atlanta and Georgia Innovation Crescent regions Our Board of Directors and Chairman’s Club members are drawn from the top local, regional and statewide leaders.


PLCopen is an independent worldwide association providing efficiency in industrial automation based on the needs of users. Its members, representing various industries, focus on harmonization of control programming, and application and interfacing engineering. It was founded in 1992 and has its headquarters in The Netherlands with supporting offices in the USA, Japan, China, and Korea.
PLCopen members have concentrated on technical specifications around IEC 61131-3, creating specifications and implementations in order to reduce cost in industrial engineering. The outcome for example are standardized libraries for different application fields, harmonized language conformity levels and engineering interfaces for exchange and transparent communication. Experts of the PLCopen members are organized in technical committees and together with end users define such open standards.
Baumüller staff members are active in the technical committees of the association and it has product certifications for PLCopen Motion Control and Safety.

OPC Foundation

OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and in other industries. It is platform independent and ensures the seamless flow of information among devices from multiple vendors. The OPC Foundation is responsible for the development and maintenance of this standard.

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